Monday 7 February 2011

Journalistic style of an article

This article that i have chosen is a very simple styled one. However is is simple an yet attractive for the audience. They have decided to use a large picture taking up on side of the double page spread which will catch the attention and draw the reader in, this is conventional in many music magazines. The picture they have chosen is perfectly set to their generic conventions. The audience of this magazine will not be appealed by lots of colours and pictures, they will enjoy a simple page with a main picture that draws them in and a smaller image surrounding it.
The text is set out in a simple straight columned way in which it is simple to read for the audience. The article will usually contain a quote from the interview or write up that will intise people in to reading it to find out when the rest of it will say. It will also have a fairly large heading of the article telling you what it is about.

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